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Persons who cannot participate in the study

The following people can not participate in the study:

  • Want to become pregnant within a year, are still pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Complaints that may be associated with a uterine infection, a miscarriage, abortion or placental residue
  • Abnormal vaginal blood loss for which there is no explanation
  • Fertility problems or ectopic pregnancy (unless subsequently spontaneously pregnant in the uterus)
  • Gastric reduction or gastric bypass
  • Liver diseases
  • Cancer currently or in the past
  • Uterine cancer in the family (if there is a BRCA gene mutation,you can participate in the study)
  • Allergy to mifepristone
  • Use of medicines that can interact with mifepristone (for example medicines against epilepsy, some antibiotics, some medicines against HIV infection and products containing St. John's wort (Hypericum Perforatum).
  • Severe anemia or an abnormal kidney function in the bloodtest for which no cause is known
  • Abnormal smear (more than Pap II) for which no colposcopic examination has been performed, or an abnormality of the cervix (HSIL) identified colposcopy that has not been treated.
  • High blood pressure (≥180mm Hg systolic and/or ≥ 110mm Hg diastolic), When you are on treatment for high blood pressure you can participate.
  • Unable/unwilling to comply with the study protocol, such as completing the app, the questionnaires or being present during the mandatory visits
  • Participate in another scientific drug study unless this had been agreed upon with the Principal Investigator

If during the first examination there are abnormalities of the uterine cavity or a clear image of a blocked fallopian tube with fluid or the blood tests show abnormal liver values , you can not participate with the study and mifepristone 50mg cannot be started

Text Friday, January 19, 2024