To ensure that the research runs smoothly, you enter an agreement with the researchers that:
- You use mifepristone 50 mg once a week on a fixed day
- You start on the first day of your period or on a day agreed with the researcher
- You report in the app if you have taken the mifepristone
- You complete the app daily about blood loss, complaints and sex (penis in the vagina)
- You take a pregnancy test every four weeks and report the outcome in the app
- You do not use any other form of contraception
- In principle you do not use condoms (only as an exception if you consider this necessary to protect yourself against STDs) - you report this in the app
- You complete a online questionnaire at the start and after 6 and 12 months. After taking the last study medication, there will be 2 more shorter questionnaires
- You are prepared to come to the hospital four times during the research year for an interview and examination
- In case of intermittent illness or serious complaints, you will inform your treating physician that you are participating in this study
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Friday, January 19, 2024