The Amsterdam University Medical Center makes it possible to voluntarily participate in the additional APIUS study. The letters stand for Amsterdam PIpelle UltraSound.
During each visit (at the start and after 3, 6 and 12 months), an ultrasound will be used to look extra closely for changes in the wall of the uterus and some tissue from the uterus will be taken using a thin tube (Pipelle).
This examination is carried out because we want to know more about how the uterine lining is changing to prevend implantation of a pregnancy.
The examination is painful for a short time (less than a minute), comparable to the insertion of an IUD. A painkiller can be taken beforehand. Afterwards you may experience some bleeding for a few days.
An additional consent form will be signed before participating in the APIUS study
There is an additional fee of €50 per time for this voluntary additional examination.