Many people between the ages of 18 and 35 years can participate in the study, but not everyone:
In case of BRCA gene mutation carrier, it is possible to participate in the study because mifepristone contains no…
After a chlamydia infection you can participate in the study because a chlamydia infection usually not leads to…
Most people with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome) do not menstruate or very rarely, in which case participation is…
Endometriosis in itself is not a reason not to participate in the study.
If no spontaneous pregnancy has developed in the uterus after an ectopic pregnancy, participation in the study is not…
If there have been fertility problems in the past and there is spontaneous pregnancy afterwards occur in the womb
Participation in the study is possible if a smear test results in Pap I or II.
You can always stop the research without giving a reason!
Reimbursement if you stop the research earlier, info here
The check-ups at 3, 6 and 12 months are mandatory.
If you forgot to take mifepristone 50 mg one day, you can take the pill the next day.
It is best to start mifepristone on the first day of menstruation, but starting on day 2 or 3 of menstruation is also…
It is preferred if the mifepristone tablet is taken on the same weekday all year round, but it can be shifted.
If you have sex without a penis in the vagina or if you still use a condom for protection, mifepristone 50 mg can still…
The study was set up by the organization Women on Waves
The following hospitals are participating in the study:
Here you can complete a questionaire and see whether you are eligible to participate in the study. At the end of the…